/** * == zalert!.js == * A simple jQuery/Zepto notification library designed to be used in mobile apps * * author: Justin Domingue * date: september 5, 2013 * version: 0.1.3 * copyright - nice copyright over here */ /* Shows a toast on the page * Params: * text: text to show * color: color of the toast. one of red, green, blue, orange, yellow or custom */ ;(function($) { var time; var $container; function zalert(text, color, icon,url) { time = '1500'; $container = $('#zalert'); var icon_markup = ''; var html = ''; var _url = ''; if (icon) { icon_markup = " "; } if(url) { if(typeof(url) === 'string') { _url = '请点击链接'; } else if(typeof(url) === 'object') { _url = ''+url.html+''; } } // Generate the HTML html = $('
' + icon_markup + text + ' ' + _url + '
').fadeIn('fast'); // Append the label to the container $container.append(html); // Remove the notification on click html.on('click', function() { zalertX($(this)); }); // After 'time' seconds, the animation fades out setTimeout(function() { zalertX(html); }, time); } function zalertX(element) { // Called without argument, the function removes all alerts // element must be a jQuery object if (typeof element !== "undefined") { element.fadeOut('fast', function() { element.remove(); }); } else { $('.alert').fadeOut('fast', function() { $(this).remove(); }); } } $.zalert = { //params: //content:消息内容 //type:弹窗消息类型,0消息,1错误 //url:弹窗上的链接 add:function(content,type,url) { if(type === 0 || typeof(type) === 'undefined') { zalert(content,'blue','zalert_normal_icon',url); } else if(type === 1) { zalert(content,'red','zalert_error_icon',url); } }, clear:function() { zalertX(); }, remove:function(element) { zalertX(element); } } })(Zepto)