(.*)<\/(a|A)>/isU",$body,$out); return $out; } } function get_article_children_new ($cat = 0) { return db_create_in(array_unique(array_merge(array($cat), array_keys(article_cat_list($cat, 0, false)))), 'a.cat_id'); } /** * 按文章ID号/分类ID/商品ID号/商品分类ID号取得文章 * @param array $id 文章ID或文章分类ID * @param string $getwhat 以何种方式取文章其中可选参数有: [1]art_cat(以文章分类ID获取) [2]art_id(以文章ID获取) [3]goods_cat(以商品分类ID获取) [4]goods_id(以商品ID获取) 其中的[3]和[4]必须有商品关联文章或文章关联商品 * @param integer $num 控制显示多少条文章.当参数为0时则全部显示 * @param integer $start 从第几条数据开始取 * @param boolean $isrand 是否随机显示文章(默认为不显示) * @param boolean $showall 是否显示隐藏的文章(黑认为不显示隐藏文章) * @return array */ function get_article_new( $id = array(0), $getwhat = 'art_id', $num = 0, $isrand = false, $showall = false, $start = 0 ) { $sql = ''; $findkey = ''; $search = ''; $wherestr = ''; for( $i=0; $itable('article') . ' AS a, ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('article_cat') . ' AS ac' . ' WHERE (a.cat_id = ac.cat_id) AND ' . $wherestr; } elseif( $getwhat == 'goods_cat' || $getwhat == 'goods_id' ) { $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT a.*,ac.cat_id,ac.cat_name,ac.keywords as cat_keywords,ac.cat_desc FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') .' AS g ' . 'LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods_article') . ' AS ga ON g.goods_id=ga.goods_id INNER JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('article') . ' AS a ON ga.article_id = a.article_id, ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('article_cat') . 'AS ac ' . 'WHERE (a.cat_id = ac.cat_id) AND ' . $wherestr; } if( ($showall == false) && ( $getwhat == 'art_cat' || $getwhat == 'art_id' ) ) { $sql .= ' AND a.is_open=1'; } elseif( ($showall == false) && ( $getwhat == 'goods_cat' || $getwhat == 'goods_id' ) ) { $sql .= ' AND a.is_open=1'; } if( $isrand == true ) { $sql .= ' ORDER BY rand()'; } elseif( ($isrand == false) && ( $getwhat == 'art_cat' || $getwhat == 'art_id' ) ) { $sql .= ' ORDER BY a.add_time DESC, a.article_id DESC'; } elseif( ($isrand == false) && ( $getwhat == 'goods_cat' || $getwhat == 'goods_id' ) ) { $sql .= ' ORDER BY a.add_time DESC, a.article_id DESC'; } if( $start == 0 && $num>0 ) { $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $num; } elseif( $start>0 && $num>0 ) { $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $start . ',' . $num; } //开始查询 $arr = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); $articles = array(); foreach ($arr AS $id => $row) { $articles[$id]['cat_id'] = $row['cat_id']; $articles[$id]['cat_name'] = $row['cat_name']; $articles[$id]['cat_url'] = build_uri('article_cat', array('acid' => $row['cat_id'])); $articles[$id]['cat_keywords'] = $row['cat_keywords']; $articles[$id]['cat_desc'] = $row['cat_desc']; $articles[$id]['title'] = $row['title']; $articles[$id]['url'] = build_uri('article', array('aid'=>$row['article_id']), $row['title']); $articles[$id]['author'] = $row['author']; $articles[$id]['content'] = $row['content']; $articles[$id]['keywords'] = $row['keywords']; $articles[$id]['file_url'] = $row['file_url']; $articles[$id]['link'] = $row['link']; $articles[$id]['addtime'] = date($GLOBALS['_CFG']['date_format'], $row['add_time']); $articles[$id]['content'] = $row['content']; $imgsrc = GetImageSrc($row['content']); $articles[$id]['img'] = $imgsrc; //提取文章中所有的图片 $link = GetArticleUrl($row['content']); $articles[$id]['link_url'] = $link[4]; //提取文章中所有的链接地址 $articles[$id]['link_title'] = $link[5]; //提取文章中所有的链接名称 } return $articles; } ?>