0) { /* 取得每页记录数 */ $size = isset($_CFG['page_size']) && intval($_CFG['page_size']) > 0 ? intval($_CFG['page_size']) : 10; /* 计算总页数 */ $page_count = ceil($count / $size); /* 取得当前页 */ $page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) && intval($_REQUEST['page']) > 0 ? intval($_REQUEST['page']) : 1; $page = $page > $page_count ? $page_count : $page; /* 缓存id:语言 - 每页记录数 - 当前页 */ $cache_id = $_CFG['lang'] . '-' . $size . '-' . $page; $cache_id = sprintf('%X', crc32($cache_id)); } else { /* 缓存id:语言 */ $cache_id = $_CFG['lang']; $cache_id = sprintf('%X', crc32($cache_id)); } /* 如果没有缓存,生成缓存 */ if (!$smarty->is_cached('auction_list.dwt', $cache_id)) { if ($count > 0) { /* 取得当前页的拍卖活动 */ $auction_list = auction_list($size, $page); $auction_list_hot = auction_list($size, $page, "act_count"); $smarty->assign('auction_list', $auction_list); $smarty->assign('auction_list_hot', $auction_list_hot); /* 设置分页链接 */ $pager = get_pager('auction.php', array('act' => 'list'), $count, $page, $size); $smarty->assign('pager', $pager); } /* 模板赋值 */ $smarty->assign('cfg', $_CFG); assign_template(); $position = assign_ur_here(); $smarty->assign('page_title', $position['title']); // 页面标题 $smarty->assign('ur_here', $position['ur_here']); // 当前位置 $smarty->assign('categories', get_categories_tree()); // 分类树 $smarty->assign('helps', get_shop_help()); // 网店帮助 $smarty->assign('top_goods', get_top10()); // 销售排行 $smarty->assign('promotion_info', get_promotion_info()); $smarty->assign('feed_url', ($_CFG['rewrite'] == 1) ? "feed-typeauction.xml" : 'feed.php?type=auction'); // RSS URL assign_dynamic('auction_list'); } /* 显示模板 */ $smarty->display('auction_list.dwt', $cache_id); } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 拍卖商品 --> 商品详情 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'view') { /* 取得参数:拍卖活动id */ $id = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['id']) : 0; if ($id <= 0) { ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); exit; } /* 取得拍卖活动信息 */ $auction = auction_info($id); if (empty($auction)) { ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); exit; } /* 缓存id:语言,拍卖活动id,状态,如果是进行中,还要最后出价的时间(如果有的话) */ $cache_id = $_CFG['lang'] . '-' . $id . '-' . $auction['status_no']; if ($auction['status_no'] == UNDER_WAY) { if (isset($auction['last_bid'])) { $cache_id = $cache_id . '-' . $auction['last_bid']['bid_time']; } } elseif ($auction['status_no'] == FINISHED && $auction['last_bid']['bid_user'] == $_SESSION['user_id'] && $auction['order_count'] == 0) { $auction['is_winner'] = 1; $cache_id = $cache_id . '-' . $auction['last_bid']['bid_time'] . '-1'; $sql_order = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info') . " WHERE extension_id = " . $id . " AND order_status NOT IN (2,3)"; if ($GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql_order) > 0) { $auction['is_winner_ok'] = 1; } } $cache_id = sprintf('%X', crc32($cache_id)); /* 如果没有缓存,生成缓存 */ if (!$smarty->is_cached('auction.dwt', $cache_id)) { //取货品信息 if ($auction['product_id'] > 0) { $goods_specifications = get_specifications_list($auction['goods_id']); $good_products = get_good_products($auction['goods_id'], 'AND product_id = ' . $auction['product_id']); $_good_products = explode('|', $good_products[0]['goods_attr']); $products_info = ''; foreach ($_good_products as $value) { $products_info .= ' ' . $goods_specifications[$value]['attr_name'] . ':' . $goods_specifications[$value]['attr_value']; } $smarty->assign('products_info', $products_info); unset($goods_specifications, $good_products, $_good_products, $products_info); } $auction['gmt_end_time'] = local_strtotime($auction['end_time']); $smarty->assign('auction', $auction); /* 取得拍卖商品信息 */ $goods_id = $auction['goods_id']; $goods = goods_info($goods_id); if (empty($goods)) { ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); exit; } $goods['url'] = build_uri('goods', array('gid' => $goods_id), $goods['goods_name']); $smarty->assign('auction_goods', $goods); /* 出价记录 */ $smarty->assign('auction_log', auction_log($id)); //模板赋值 $smarty->assign('auction_log_count', auction_log_count($id)); $smarty->assign('cfg', $_CFG); assign_template(); $position = assign_ur_here(0, $goods['goods_name']); $smarty->assign('page_title', $position['title']); // 页面标题 $smarty->assign('ur_here', $position['ur_here']); // 当前位置 $smarty->assign('categories', get_categories_tree()); // 分类树 $smarty->assign('helps', get_shop_help()); // 网店帮助 $smarty->assign('top_goods', get_top10()); // 销售排行 $smarty->assign('promotion_info', get_promotion_info()); assign_dynamic('auction'); } /* 代码增加_start */ $goods['supplier_name'] ="网站自营"; if ($goods['supplier_id'] > 0) { $sql_supplier = "SELECT s.supplier_id,s.supplier_name,s.add_time,sr.rank_name FROM ". $ecs->table("supplier") . " as s left join ". $ecs->table("supplier_rank") ." as sr ON s.rank_id=sr.rank_id WHERE s.supplier_id=".$goods[supplier_id]." AND s.status=1"; $shopuserinfo = $db->getRow($sql_supplier); $goods['supplier_name']= $shopuserinfo['supplier_name']; get_dianpu_baseinfo($goods['supplier_id'],$shopuserinfo); } /* 代码增加_end */ //更新商品点击次数 $sql = 'UPDATE ' . $ecs->table('goods') . ' SET click_count = click_count + 1 '. "WHERE goods_id = '" . $auction['goods_id'] . "'"; $db->query($sql); $smarty->assign('now_time', gmtime()); // 当前系统时间 $smarty->display('auction.dwt', $cache_id); } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 拍卖商品 --> 出价 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'bid') { include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_order.php'); /* 取得参数:拍卖活动id */ $id = isset($_POST['id']) ? intval($_POST['id']) : 0; if ($id <= 0) { ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); exit; } /* 取得拍卖活动信息 */ $auction = auction_info($id); if (empty($auction)) { ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); exit; } /* 活动是否正在进行 */ if ($auction['status_no'] != UNDER_WAY) { show_message($_LANG['au_not_under_way'], '', '', 'error'); } /* 是否登录 */ $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; if ($user_id <= 0) { show_message($_LANG['au_bid_after_login']); } $user = user_info($user_id); /* 取得出价 */ $bid_price = isset($_POST['price']) ? round(floatval($_POST['price']), 2) : 0; if ($bid_price <= 0) { show_message($_LANG['au_bid_price_error'], '', '', 'error'); } /* 如果有一口价且出价大于等于一口价,则按一口价算 */ $is_ok = false; // 出价是否ok if ($auction['end_price'] > 0) { if ($bid_price >= $auction['end_price']) { $bid_price = $auction['end_price']; $is_ok = true; } } /* 出价是否有效:区分第一次和非第一次 */ if (!$is_ok) { if ($auction['bid_user_count'] == 0) { /* 第一次要大于等于起拍价 */ $min_price = $auction['start_price']; } else { /* 非第一次出价要大于等于最高价加上加价幅度,但不能超过一口价 */ $min_price = $auction['last_bid']['bid_price'] + $auction['amplitude']; if ($auction['end_price'] > 0) { $min_price = min($min_price, $auction['end_price']); } } if ($bid_price < $min_price) { show_message(sprintf($_LANG['au_your_lowest_price'], price_format($min_price, false)), '', '', 'error'); } } /* 检查联系两次拍卖人是否相同 */ if ($auction['last_bid']['bid_user'] == $user_id && $bid_price != $auction['end_price']) { show_message($_LANG['au_bid_repeat_user'], '', '', 'error'); } /* 是否需要保证金 */ if ($auction['deposit'] > 0) { /* 可用资金够吗 */ if ($user['user_money'] < $auction['deposit']) { show_message($_LANG['au_user_money_short'], '', '', 'error'); } /* 如果不是第一个出价,解冻上一个用户的保证金 */ if ($auction['bid_user_count'] > 0) { log_account_change($auction['last_bid']['bid_user'], $auction['deposit'], (-1) * $auction['deposit'], 0, 0, sprintf($_LANG['au_unfreeze_deposit'], $auction['act_name'])); } /* 冻结当前用户的保证金 */ log_account_change($user_id, (-1) * $auction['deposit'], $auction['deposit'], 0, 0, sprintf($_LANG['au_freeze_deposit'], $auction['act_name'])); } /* 插入出价记录 */ $auction_log = array( 'act_id' => $id, 'bid_user' => $user_id, 'bid_price' => $bid_price, 'bid_time' => gmtime() ); $db->autoExecute($ecs->table('auction_log'), $auction_log, 'INSERT'); $act_count = $_POST['act_count'] + 1; $db->query("UPDATE " . $ecs->table('goods_activity') . " SET act_count = " . $act_count . " WHERE act_id = " . $id); /* 出价是否等于一口价 */ if ($bid_price == $auction['end_price']) { /* 结束拍卖活动 */ $sql = "UPDATE " . $ecs->table('goods_activity') . " SET is_finished = 1 WHERE act_id = '$id' LIMIT 1"; $db->query($sql); } /* 跳转到活动详情页 */ ecs_header("Location: auction.php?act=view&id=$id\n"); exit; } /*------------------------------------------------------ */ //-- 拍卖商品 --> 购买 /*------------------------------------------------------ */ elseif ($_REQUEST['act'] == 'buy') { /* 查询:取得参数:拍卖活动id */ $id = isset($_POST['id']) ? intval($_POST['id']) : 0; if ($id <= 0) { ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); exit; } /* 查询:取得拍卖活动信息 */ $auction = auction_info($id); if (empty($auction)) { ecs_header("Location: ./\n"); exit; } /* 查询:活动是否已结束 */ if ($auction['status_no'] != FINISHED) { show_message($_LANG['au_not_finished'], '', '', 'error'); } /* 查询:有人出价吗 */ if ($auction['bid_user_count'] <= 0) { show_message($_LANG['au_no_bid'], '', '', 'error'); } /* 查询:是否已经有订单 */ if ($auction['order_count'] > 0) { show_message($_LANG['au_order_placed']); } /* 查询:是否登录 */ $user_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; if ($user_id <= 0) { show_message($_LANG['au_buy_after_login']); } /* 查询:最后出价的是该用户吗 */ if ($auction['last_bid']['bid_user'] != $user_id) { show_message($_LANG['au_final_bid_not_you'], '', '', 'error'); } /* 查询:取得商品信息 */ $goods = goods_info($auction['goods_id']); /* 查询:处理规格属性 */ $goods_attr = ''; $goods_attr_id = ''; if ($auction['product_id'] > 0) { $product_info = get_good_products($auction['goods_id'], 'AND product_id = ' . $auction['product_id']); $goods_attr_id = str_replace('|', ',', $product_info[0]['goods_attr']); $attr_list = array(); $sql = "SELECT a.attr_name, g.attr_value " . "FROM " . $ecs->table('goods_attr') . " AS g, " . $ecs->table('attribute') . " AS a " . "WHERE g.attr_id = a.attr_id " . "AND g.goods_attr_id " . db_create_in($goods_attr_id); $res = $db->query($sql); while ($row = $db->fetchRow($res)) { $attr_list[] = $row['attr_name'] . ': ' . $row['attr_value']; } $goods_attr = join(chr(13) . chr(10), $attr_list); } else { $auction['product_id'] = 0; } /* 清空购物车中所有拍卖商品 */ include_once(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_order.php'); clear_cart(CART_AUCTION_GOODS); /* 加入购物车 */ $cart = array( 'user_id' => $user_id, 'session_id' => SESS_ID, 'goods_id' => $auction['goods_id'], 'goods_sn' => addslashes($goods['goods_sn']), 'goods_name' => addslashes($goods['goods_name']), 'market_price' => $goods['market_price'], 'cost_price' => $goods['cost_price'], 'promote_price' => $goods['promote_price'], 'goods_price' => $auction['last_bid']['bid_price'], 'goods_number' => 1, 'goods_attr' => $goods_attr, 'goods_attr_id' => $goods_attr_id, 'is_real' => $goods['is_real'], 'extension_code' => addslashes($goods['extension_code']), 'parent_id' => 0, 'rec_type' => CART_AUCTION_GOODS, 'is_gift' => 0 ); $db->autoExecute($ecs->table('cart'), $cart, 'INSERT'); $_SESSION['sel_cartgoods'] = $db->insert_id(); /* 记录购物流程类型:团购 */ $_SESSION['flow_type'] = CART_AUCTION_GOODS; $_SESSION['extension_code'] = 'auction'; $_SESSION['extension_id'] = $id; /* 进入收货人页面 */ ecs_header("Location: ./flow.php?step=checkout\n"); exit; } /** * 取得拍卖活动数量 * @return int */ function auction_count() { $now = gmtime(); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) " . "FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods_activity') . "WHERE act_type = '" . GAT_AUCTION . "' " . "AND start_time <= '$now' AND end_time >= '$now' AND is_finished < 2"; return $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql); } /** * 取得某页的拍卖活动 * @param int $size 每页记录数 * @param int $page 当前页 * @return array */ function auction_list($size, $page) { $auction_list = array(); $auction_list['finished'] = $auction_list['finished'] = array(); $now = gmtime(); /* 代码修改 Start */ // $sql = "SELECT a.*,g.original_img, IFNULL(g.goods_thumb, '') AS goods_thumb " . $sql = "SELECT s.supplier_id,a.*,g.original_img, IFNULL(g.goods_thumb, '') AS goods_thumb, IFNULL(s.supplier_name, '平台自营') suppliername " . /* 代码修改 End */ "FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods_activity') . " AS a " . "LEFT JOIN " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " AS g ON a.goods_id = g.goods_id " . /* 代码增加 Start */ 'LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('supplier') . ' s ON s.supplier_id = a.supplier_id ' . /* 代码增加 End */ "WHERE a.act_type = '" . GAT_AUCTION . "' " . /* 代码增加 Start */ " AND g.is_delete = 0 AND g.is_on_sale = 1 " . /* 代码增加 End */ "AND a.start_time <= '$now' AND a.end_time >= '$now' AND a.is_finished < 2 ORDER BY a.act_id DESC"; $res = $GLOBALS['db']->selectLimit($sql, $size, ($page - 1) * $size); while ($row = $GLOBALS['db']->fetchRow($res)) { $ext_info = unserialize($row['ext_info']); $auction = array_merge($row, $ext_info); $auction['status_no'] = auction_status($auction); $auction['start_time'] = local_date($GLOBALS['_CFG']['time_format'], $auction['start_time']); $auction['end_time'] = local_date($GLOBALS['_CFG']['time_format'], $auction['end_time']); $auction['formated_start_price'] = price_format($auction['start_price']); $auction['formated_end_price'] = price_format($auction['end_price']); $auction['formated_deposit'] = price_format($auction['deposit']); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('auction_log') . " WHERE act_id = " . $auction['act_id']; $auction['bid_user_count'] = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql); if ($auction['bid_user_count'] > 0) { $auction['formated_bid_price'] = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne("select bid_price from " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('auction_log') . " where act_id = '" . $auction['act_id'] . "' order by bid_price desc limit 0,1"); } $auction['current_price'] = isset($auction['formated_bid_price']) ? $auction['formated_bid_price'] : $auction['start_price']; $auction['formated_current_price'] = price_format($auction['current_price'], false); $auction['goods_thumb'] = get_image_path($row['goods_id'], $row['goods_thumb'], true); $auction['original_img']= get_image_path($row['goods_id'], $row['original_img']); $auction['url'] = build_uri('auction', array('auid'=>$auction['act_id'])); if($auction['status_no'] < 2) { $auction_list['under_way'][] = $auction; } else { $auction_list['finished'][] = $auction; } } $auction_list = @array_merge($auction_list['under_way'], $auction_list['finished']); return $auction_list; } /* * 获取商品所对应店铺的店铺基本信息 * @param int $suppid 店铺id * @param int $suppinfo 入驻商的信息 */ function get_dianpu_baseinfo($suppid=0,$suppinfo){ if(intval($suppid) <= 0){ return ; } global $smarty; $sql = "SELECT * FROM " .$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('supplier_shop_config'). " WHERE supplier_id = " . $suppid; $shopinfo = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql); $_goods_attr = array(); foreach ($shopinfo as $value) { $_goods_attr[$value['code']] = $value['value']; } $sql1 = "SELECT AVG(comment_rank) FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('comment') . " c" . " LEFT JOIN " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info') . " o"." ON o.order_id = c.order_id"." WHERE c.status > 0 AND o.supplier_id = " . $suppid; $avg_comment = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql1); $avg_comment = round($avg_comment,1); $sql2 = "SELECT AVG(server), AVG(shipping) FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('shop_grade') . " s" . " LEFT JOIN " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info') . " o"." ON o.order_id = s.order_id"." WHERE s.is_comment > 0 AND s.server >0 AND o.supplier_id = " . $suppid; $row = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql2); $avg_server = round($row['AVG(server)'],1); $avg_shipping = round($row['AVG(shipping)'],1); $sql3 = " SELECT c.comment_rank,s.send,s.shipping FROM ".$GLOBALS['ecs']->table('shop_grade') ." AS s ". " LEFT JOIN ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('comment') ." AS c ON c.order_id = s.order_id " . " LEFT JOIN ". $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('order_info') ." AS o ON o.order_id = s.order_id". " WHERE s.is_comment >0 AND s.server >0 AND o.supplier_id = " . $suppid; $h = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql3); foreach($h as $key=>$value) { $count += array_sum($value); } $haoping = (($count/3)/count($h))/5*100; $haoping = round($haoping,1); $smarty->assign('ghs_css_path', 'themes/'.$_goods_attr['template'].'/images/ghs/css/ghs_style.css');//入驻商所选模板样式路径 $shoplogo = empty($_goods_attr['shop_logo']) ? 'themes/'.$_goods_attr['template'].'/images/dianpu.jpg' : $_goods_attr['shop_logo']; $smarty->assign('shoplogo', $shoplogo);//商家logo $smarty->assign('shopname', htmlspecialchars($_goods_attr['shop_name']));//店铺名称 $smarty->assign('suppid', $suppinfo['supplier_id']);//商家名称 $smarty->assign('suppliername', htmlspecialchars($suppinfo['supplier_name']));//商家名称 $smarty->assign('userrank', htmlspecialchars($suppinfo['rank_name']));//商家等级 $smarty->assign('region', get_province_city($_goods_attr['shop_province'],$_goods_attr['shop_city'])); $smarty->assign('address', $_goods_attr['shop_address']); $qq = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("SELECT cus_no FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('chat_third_customer') . " WHERE is_master = 1 AND cus_type = 0 AND supplier_id = $suppid"); $ww = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll("SELECT cus_no FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('chat_third_customer') . " WHERE is_master = 1 AND cus_type = 1 AND supplier_id = $suppid"); $arr_qq[] = array(); $arr_ww = array(); foreach ($qq as $v) { $arr_qq[] = $v['cus_no']; } foreach ($ww as $v) { $arr_ww[] = $v['cus_no']; } $smarty->assign('serviceqq', $arr_qq); $smarty->assign('serviceww', $arr_ww); $smarty->assign('serviceemail', $_goods_attr['service_email']); $smarty->assign('servicephone', $_goods_attr['service_phone']); $smarty->assign('createtime', gmdate('Y-m-d',$suppinfo['add_time']));//商家创建时间 $smarty->assign('c_rank', $avg_comment); $smarty->assign('serv_rank', $avg_server); $smarty->assign('shipp_rank', $avg_shipping); $smarty->assign('haoping', $haoping); $suppid = (intval($suppid)>0) ? intval($suppid) : intval($_GET['suppId']); } ?>