#!/bin/bash basepath=$(cd `dirname $0`; pwd) chmod a+x "$basepath/yii" command="$basepath/yii queue/listen 1" command2="$basepath/yii queue3/listen 1" command4="$basepath/yii queue4/listen 1" result=$(ps -ef | grep "`echo $command`" | grep -v "grep") result2=$(ps -ef | grep "`echo $command2`" | grep -v "grep") result4=$(ps -ef | grep "`echo $command4`" | grep -v "grep") if [ ! -n "$result" ] then echo "Starting the process." str=$(nohup $command >/dev/null 2>&1 &) echo -e "\033[32mOk.\033[0m" else echo "The process has been started." fi if [ ! -n "$result2" ] then echo "Starting the process3." str=$(nohup $command2 >/dev/null 2>&1 &) echo -e "\033[32mOk.\033[0m" else echo "The process3 has been started." fi if [ ! -n "$result4" ] then echo "Starting the process4." str=$(nohup $command4 >/dev/null 2>&1 &) echo -e "\033[32mOk.\033[0m" else echo "The process4 has been started." fi result=$(crontab -l|grep -i "* * * * * $basepath/queue.sh"|grep -v grep) if [ ! -n "$result" ] then echo -e "\033[32mCreating queue crontab.\033[0m" echo "Export crontab data" crontab -l > createcrontemp echo "Add new crontab line" echo "* * * * * $basepath/queue.sh" >> createcrontemp echo "Import crontab data" crontab createcrontemp echo "Delete temp file" rm -f createcrontemp echo -e "\033[32mCreating queue crontab success.\033[0m" else echo "The queue crontab has been add ." fi