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BDD style code blocks for PHPUnit / Codeception

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Specify allows you to write your tests in more readable BDD style, the same way you might have experienced with Jasmine.
Inspired by MiniTest of Ruby now you combine BDD and classical TDD style in one test.

Basic Example

Specify $this->specify method to add isolated test blocks for your PHPUnit tests!

public function testValidation()
    $this->assertInstanceOf('Model', $this->user);

    $this->specify("username is required", function() {
        $this->user->username = null;

    $this->specify("username is too long", function() {
        $this->user->username = 'toolooooongnaaaaaaameeee';

    $this->specify("username is ok", function() {
        $this->user->username = 'davert';

BDD Example

Specify supports describe-it BDD syntax inside PHPUnit

public function testValidation()
    $this->describe("user", function() {
        $this->it("should have a name", function() {
            $this->user->username = null;

        $this->it("should not have long name", function() {
            $this->user->username = 'toolooooongnaaaaaaameeee';
        // use `$this->>should` as shortcut
        $this->should("be ok with valid name", function() {
            $this->user->username = 'davert';
        // empty codeblocks are marked as Incomplete tests
        $this->it("should be ok with valid name");				

Specify + Verify Example

Use Codeception/Verify for simpler assertions:

public function testValidation()
    $this->specify("username is required", function() {
        $this->user->username = null;
    $this->specify("username is too long", function() {
        $this->user->username = 'toolooooongnaaaaaaameeee';
    $this->specify("username is ok", function() {
        $this->user->username = 'davert';        

Use Case

This tiny library makes your tests readable by organizing them in nested code blocks.
This allows to combine similar tests into one but put them inside nested sections.

This is very similar to BDD syntax as in RSpec or Mocha but works inside PHPUnit:

class UserTest extends PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase 
    use Codeception\Specify;
    /** @specify */
    protected $user; // is cloned inside specify blocks
    public function setUp()
        $this->user = new User;

    public function testValidation()
        $this->user->name = 'davert';
        $this->specify("i can change my name", function() {
           $this->user->name = 'jon';
           $this->assertEquals('jon', $this->user->name);
        // user name is "davert" again
        $this->assertEquals('davert', $this->user->name);

Each code block is isolated. This means call to $this->specify does not change values of properties of a test class.
Isolated properties should be marked with @specify annotation.

Failure in specify block won't get your test stopped.

$this->specify("failing but test goes on", function() {

// Assertions: 2, Failures: 1

If a test fails you will see specification text in the result.


Isolation is achieved by cloning object properties for each specify block.
Only properties marked with @specify annotation are cloned.

/** @specify */
protected $user; // cloning

 * @specify 
protected $user; // cloning

protected $repository; // not cloning

Objects are cloned using deep cloning method.

If object cloning affects performance, consider turning the clonning off.

Mocks are isolated by default.

A mock defined inside a specify block won't be executed inside an outer test,
and mock from outer test won't be triggered inside codeblock.

$config = $this->createMock(Config::class);

// success: $config->init() was executed

$this->specify('this should not fail', function () {
    $config = $this->createMock(Config::class);
    // success: $config->init() is never executed 

Examples: DataProviders alternative

$this->specify("should calculate square numbers", function($number, $square) {
	$this->assertEquals($square, $number*$number);
}, ['examples' => [

You can also use DataProvider functions in examples param.

$this->specify("should calculate square numbers", function($number, $square) {
	$this->assertEquals($square, $number*$number);
}, ['examples' => $this->provider()]);

Can also be used with real data providers:

 * @dataProvider someData
public function testExamplesAndDataProvider($param)
    $this->specify('should assert data provider', function ($example) use ($param) {
        $this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual(5, $param + $example);
    }, ['examples' => [[4], [7], [5]]]);

public function someData()
    return [[1], [2]];


There are also before and after callbacks, which act as setUp/tearDown but for specify.

$this->beforeSpecify(function() {
	// prepare something;	
$this->afterSpecify(function() {
	// reset something
$this->cleanSpecify(); // removes before/after callbacks


Available methods:

  • $this->specify(name, callable fn = null, params = []) - starts a specify code block. If fn is null, marks test as incomplete.
  • $this->describe(name, callable fn = null) - starts a describe code block. Same as specify but expects to receive more nested into fn.
  • $this->it(name, callable fn = null) - starts a code block. Alias to specify.
  • $this->should(name, callable fn = null) - starts a code block. Same as specify but prepends word "should" into description.


Requires PHP >= 7.

  • Install with Composer:
composer require codeception/specify --dev
  • Include Codeception\Specify trait into PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase.
  • Add /** @specify **/ docblock for all properties you want to make isolated inside tests.
  • For PHPUnit add Codeception\Specify\ResultPrinter printer into phpunit.xml

<phpunit colors="true" printerClass="Codeception\Specify\ResultPrinter">


License: MIT