Set of useful functions for using CSS and XPath locators.
Please check them before writing complex functional or acceptance tests.
public static combine($selector1, $selector2)
Applies OR operator to any number of CSS or XPath selectors.
You can mix up CSS and XPath selectors here.
use \Codeception\Util\Locator;
$I->see('Title', Locator::combine('h1','h2','h3'));
This will search for Title
text in either h1
, h2
, or h3
You can also combine CSS selector with XPath locator:
use \Codeception\Util\Locator;
$I->fillField(Locator::combine('form input[type=text]','//form/textarea[2]'), 'qwerty');
As a result the Locator will produce a mixed XPath value that will be used in fillField action.
* static
* param
* param
* throws
* return
public static contains($element, $text)
Locates an element containing a text inside.
Either CSS or XPath locator can be passed, however they will be converted to XPath.
use Codeception\Util\Locator;
Locator::contains('label', 'Name'); // label containing name
Locator::contains('div[@contenteditable=true]', 'hello world');
stringpublic static elementAt($element, $position)
Locates element at position.
Either CSS or XPath locator can be passed as locator,
position is an integer. If a negative value is provided, counting starts from the last element.
First element has index 1
use Codeception\Util\Locator;
Locator::elementAt('//table/tr', 2); // second row
Locator::elementAt('//table/tr', -1); // last row
Locator::elementAt('table#grind>tr', -2); // previous than last row
param string
$element CSS or XPath locatorparam int
$position xpath indexreturn
mixedpublic static find($element, array $attributes)
Finds element by it's attribute(s)
use \Codeception\Util\Locator;
$I->seeElement(Locator::find('img', ['title' => 'diagram']));
stringpublic static firstElement($element)
Locates first element of group elements.
Either CSS or XPath locator can be passed as locator,
Equal to Locator::elementAt($locator, 1)
use Codeception\Util\Locator;
mixedpublic static href($url)
Matches the a element with given URL
use \Codeception\Util\Locator;
$I->see('Log In', Locator::href('/login.php'));
stringpublic static humanReadableString($selector)
Transforms strict locator, \Facebook\WebDriver\WebDriverBy into a string represenation
stringpublic static isCSS($selector)
Checks that provided string is CSS selector
Locator::isCSS('#user .hello') => true
Locator::isCSS('body') => true
Locator::isCSS('//body/p/user') => false
boolpublic static isClass($class)
Checks that a string is valid CSS class
Locator::isClass('.hello') => true
Locator::isClass('body') => false
Locator::isClass('//body/p/user') => false
boolpublic static isID($id)
Checks that a string is valid CSS ID
Locator::isID('#user') => true
Locator::isID('body') => false
Locator::isID('//body/p/user') => false
boolpublic static isPrecise($locator)
boolpublic static isXPath($locator)
Checks that locator is an XPath
Locator::isXPath('#user .hello') => false
Locator::isXPath('body') => false
Locator::isXPath('//body/p/user') => true
boolpublic static lastElement($element)
Locates last element of group elements.
Either CSS or XPath locator can be passed as locator,
Equal to Locator::elementAt($locator, -1)
use Codeception\Util\Locator;
mixedpublic static option($value)
Matches option by text:
use Codeception\Util\Locator;
$I->seeElement(Locator::option('Male'), '#select-gender');
stringpublic static tabIndex($index)
Matches the element with given tab index
Do you often use the TAB
key to navigate through the web page? How do your site respond to this navigation?
You could try to match elements by their tab position using tabIndex
method of Locator
use \Codeception\Util\Locator;
$I->fillField(Locator::tabIndex(1), 'davert');
$I->fillField(Locator::tabIndex(2) , 'qwerty');
`` *
static *
param$index *
return` string
protected static toXPath($selector)