we254/addons/fy_teacher/mobile/index.php | ●●●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history | |
we254/addons/fy_teacher/mobile/index/edit.php | ●●●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history | |
we254/addons/fy_teacher/template/mobile/index/display.html | ●●●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history | |
we254/addons/fy_teacher/template/mobile/index/edit.html | ●●●●● patch | view | raw | blame | history |
@@ -17,6 +17,20 @@ $catList[$k]['child'] = pdo_fetchall("SELECT id,parentid,name FROM " . tablename($this->table_category) . " WHERE uniacid=:uniacid AND parentid=:parentid", array(':uniacid'=>$uniacid,':parentid'=>$v['id'])); } if($_W['isajax'] && $_GPC['type']=='5'){ if(intval($_GPC['cid'])<=0){ $knowList = array(); }else{ $knowList = pdo_fetchall("SELECT id,name FROM " .tablename("fy_lesson_knowledge_point"). " WHERE uniacid=:uniacid AND parentid=:parentid AND catalog_id_2=:catalog_id_2 ", array(':uniacid'=>$uniacid,':parentid'=>0,'catalog_id_2'=>$_GPC['cid'])); foreach($knowList as $k=>$v){ $knowList[$k]['child'] = pdo_fetchall("SELECT id,parentid,name FROM " . tablename("fy_lesson_knowledge_point") . " WHERE uniacid=:uniacid AND parentid=:parentid", array(':uniacid'=>$uniacid,':parentid'=>$v['id'])); } } echo $this->resultJson($knowList); }else{ } /* 课程属性 */ $common = json_decode($setting['common'],true); $lesson_attribute = $common['lesson_attribute']; @@ -93,4 +107,4 @@ } include $this->template('index'); include $this->template('index'); we254/addons/fy_teacher/mobile/index/edit.php
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ load()->func('tpl'); $id = intval($_GPC['id']); $type = $_GPC['type']; $linkNav = array( '0' => array( we254/addons/fy_teacher/template/mobile/index/display.html
@@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ <input type="hidden" name="do" value="index" /> <input type="hidden" name="op" value="display" /> <ul class="search" style="padding-left:10px;"> <li> <a class="button border-green icon-plus-square-o" href="{php echo $this->createMobileUrl('index', array('op'=>'edit'));}"> 普通课程</a> </li> {if pdo_tableexists('fy_lesson_plugin_live_chatroom') && $config['add_live_lesson']} <li> <a class="button border-yellow icon-plus-square-o" href="{php echo $this->createMobileUrl('index', array('op'=>'edit','type'=>5));}"> 知识点课程</a> </li> <li> <a class="button border-green icon-plus-square-o" href="{php echo $this->createMobileUrl('index', array('op'=>'edit','type'=>1));}"> 普通课程</a> </li> {if pdo_tableexists('fy_lesson_plugin_live_chatroom') && $config['add_live_lesson']} <li> <a class="button border-blue icon-plus-square-o" href="{php echo $this->createMobileUrl('index', array('op'=>'editLive'));}"> 直播课程</a> </li> {/if} <li> we254/addons/fy_teacher/template/mobile/index/edit.html
@@ -85,6 +85,24 @@ </select> </div> </div> {if $type == '5'} <div class="form-group"> <div class="label"> <label><strong class="text-red">*</strong> 所属专题知识点:</label> </div> <div class="field"> <select name="know_pid" class="input category-input" id="know_parent" name="know_pid" onchange="renderKnowChild(this.value)"> <option value="">请选择专题</option> {loop $knowList $item} <option value="{$item['id']}">{$item['name']}</option> {/loop} </select> <select name="know_cid" class="input category-input" id="know_child"> <option value="">请选择知识点</option> </select> </div> </div> {/if} {if $lesson_attribute['attribute1'] && $attribute1} <div class="form-group"> <div class="label"> @@ -488,6 +506,18 @@ return false; } $("#category_child").change(function(){ var cid = $(this).children('option:selected').val(); var ajaxurl = "{php echo $this->createMobileUrl('index', array('op'=>'edit','type'=>5));}"; $.get(ajaxurl, {cid: cid }, function (data) { if (data.length > 0) { know = JSON.parse(data); renderKnow(); document.getElementById("know_parent").onchange(); } }); }); //添加规格按钮 $("#spec-add").click(function () { var spec_html = ''; @@ -508,8 +538,11 @@ <script type="text/javascript"> var category = {php echo json_encode($catList);}; var know = {php echo json_encode($knowList);}; var pid = {php echo $lesson['pid']?$lesson['pid']:0}; var know_pid = {php echo $lesson['knowledge_pid']?$lesson['knowledge_pid']:0}; var html = '<option value="0">请选择一级分类</option>'; var htmlKnow = '<option value="0">请选择专题</option>'; $(function(){ $("#category_parent").find("option[value='"+pid+"']").attr("selected",true); document.getElementById("category_parent").onchange(); @@ -528,7 +561,47 @@ chtml += '<option value="' + child[j].id+'">' + child[j].name + '</option>'; } } $("#category_child").html(chtml); } } $("#category_child").html(chtml); $("#category_child").change(); } function renderKnow(){ var chtml = '<option value="0">请选择专题</option>'; if(know.length==0){ $("#know_parent").html(chtml); return; } var know_pid = {php echo $lesson['knowledge_pid']?$lesson['knowledge_pid']:0}; for(var i in know){ if(know[i].id==know_pid){ chtml += '<option value="' + know[i].id+'" selected>' + know[i].name + '</option>'; }else{ chtml += '<option value="' + know[i].id+'">' + know[i].name + '</option>'; } } $("#know_parent").html(chtml); } function renderKnowChild(id){ var chtml = '<option value="0">请选择知识点</option>'; if(id==0){ $("#know_child").html(chtml); return; } var cid = {php echo $lesson['cid']?$lesson['cid']:0}; for(var i in know){ if(know[i].id==id){ var child = know[i].child; for(var j in child){ if(child[j].id==cid){ chtml += '<option value="' + child[j].id+'" selected>' + child[j].name + '</option>'; }else{ chtml += '<option value="' + child[j].id+'">' + child[j].name + '</option>'; } } $("#know_child").html(chtml); } } }