require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/api.class.php');
require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/wechat.class.php');
$baseurl = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ? "http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."/" : "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/";
$t = time();
$type = intval($_GET['type']);
$rs = $db->getRow ( "SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('weixin_corn') . " WHERE `issend` = 0 and `sendtype`={$type} order by sendtime desc" );
$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('weixin_config');
$list = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);
$weixinconfig = array();
for($i = 0; $i < count($list); $i++)
$weixinconfig['token'] = $list[$i]['token'];
$weixinconfig['appid'] = $list[$i]['appid'];
$weixinconfig['appsecret'] = $list[$i]['appsecret'];
//$weixinconfig = $db->getRow ( "SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('weixin_config') . " WHERE `id` = 1" );
$weixin = new core_lib_wechat($weixinconfig);
$content = unserialize($rs['content']);
$msg = array();
$msg['msgtype'] = $content['msgtype'];
if($content['msgtype'] == 'news'){
foreach($content['news']['articles'] as $k=>$v){
$msg['news']['articles'][$k]['title'] = $v['title'];
$msg['news']['articles'][$k]['description'] = $v['description'];
$msg['news']['articles'][$k]['url'] = $baseurl."mobile/article.php?id=".$v['article_id'];
$msg['news']['articles'][$k]['picurl'] = strpos($v['file_url'], 'http://') == false ? $baseurl.'mobile/'.$v['file_url'] : $v['file_url'];
$msg = $content;
$where_user = (!empty($_GET['is_one_user']) ? " AND ecuid='".$_GET['is_one_user']."'" : '');
if($type == 1){
if(isset($_GET['is_affiliate']) && $_GET['is_affiliate'] == 1)
$list = $db->getAll("SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('weixin_corn') . " WHERE `issend` = 0 and `sendtype`={$type} order by sendtime desc");
foreach($list as $val)
$content = unserialize($val['content']);
$message['touser'] = $content['touser'];
$message['msgtype'] = $content['msgtype'];
$message['text'] = array('content'=>$content['text']['content']);
$ret = $weixin->sendCustomMessage($message);
$db->query("UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('weixin_corn') . " SET issend=2 where id ={$val['id']}");
$user = $db->getAll("SELECT fake_id FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('weixin_user') . " WHERE isfollow=1 and access_token!='' and expire_in>'{$t}' ".$where_user." order by expire_in desc");
$user = array(array('fake_id'=>$content['touser']));
foreach($user as $u){
$msg['touser'] = $u['fake_id'];
$ret = $weixin->sendCustomMessage($msg);
if(!$_GET['ajax']) var_dump($ret);
$db->query("UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('weixin_corn') . " SET issend=2 where id ={$rs['id']}");
if($_GET['ajax'] == 1){
$result = array('error'=>0,'content'=>'');
echo json_encode($result);